Well crap, I didn't shoot one single foto yesterday, which means I have blown it on my 365 project. Maybe not blown it completely, I will still sally forth, but it's not as cool now that it will have a gap in it. On the other hand, there's some stuff happening now that might overshadow that so much, I will laugh that it seemed to matter to me now.
I'm sorry to be rather mysterious and melodramatic, but there's some heavy shit going down. Or, it might turn out to be not so heavy. I'm in that weird waiting period where you just don't know, and that is a very difficult place to be. How do you stay present and not let your mind shriek off when things could change in a way that scares you?
It could all be OK, turn out to just be a scare, and I'll go back to kicking myself for not taking a picture on February 25th, 2010. I hope so, because that's the thing I want to worry about.
Give everyone in your family a big hug today.
UPDATED to add: Everything is OK. It was just a scare, I am much relieved.
Phew! Glad all is well.
Posted by: jen | 26 February 2010 at 01:49 PM
I'm glad it was only a scare. You know, I claim to not believe in luck, but I know I'm lucky every time that happens to me!
Posted by: cc | 28 February 2010 at 08:48 AM