Hijo had his first official piano lesson yesterday.
Due to unusual circumstances, I was able to tag along. The teacher sat him down at the piano and asked him if he knew how to play anything.
"Sure," he said and proceeded to play, not perfectly, but adequately, a Coldplay song that a friend of his had taught him.
"Well," the teacher told him, "I can tell you're going to be really good."
Hijo smiled. I smiled. Even if that piano teacher says that to every kid who sits down on his bench*, I was grateful that he said it to Hijo. He was feeling pretty confident in his ability to learn to play, but having your teacher share that confidence with you within the first five minutes is really important.
The teacher pulled out a simplified version of Michael Jackson's "Beat It" which he gave to Hijo to take home and "see what he can do with it." Then they opened the beginner's book and Hijo learned the names of the keys and notes.
Watching Hijo start piano (and also band in school) has stirred up all sorts of memories and longings in me. Music seems to be one of those things that you abandon as an adult, because you have too little time, or you feel that if you aren't fantastically talented at it, it's not worth doing.
What happened to doing something simply because it's fun, because it brings us joy?
That's what I've been thinking about.
*bench=three small plastic orange schoolc chairs stacked on top of each other.
Playing in the band is fun, but I think the most fun is sitting in the front room just playing for fun. Of course, it's more rewarding with other people. I think we should all make more time for the fun things in life.
Posted by: Jim Faddis | 25 September 2009 at 11:39 AM
That's interesting that you like playing at home better than on stage. I'm
hoping that I can go on this musical journey with Hijo so we can play
together as well. It's really calling to me.
(Glad to see you haven't given up on me during my long silence.)
Posted by: nina | 25 September 2009 at 11:50 AM
Music is fun in public and private. Being musical and learning an instrument is a skill that will be useful to Hijo no matter what he does.
Posted by: xath | 25 September 2009 at 12:58 PM
No, I haven't given up although I would rather read the blog than Twitter. I hope that you can play or sing with Hijo. One of the absolute highlights of my life was when my two sons sang with me. It's only happened once so far and I won't even say it sounded good but it was music to my ears.
Posted by: Jim Faddis | 25 September 2009 at 01:01 PM
xath, I agree completely. Music has been the thing at school that he's most
excited about, too.
Posted by: nina | 25 September 2009 at 01:09 PM
Jim, I love to sing, but I can barely carry a tune. It makes me so sad. But
I am determined to figure out a way to make music myself as well as helping
Hijo (who might actually have some talent) make his.
Posted by: nina | 25 September 2009 at 01:11 PM