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29 April 2009



So ... you ARE going to show it to us, aren't you?


Of course! I just haven't had a chance to take a good picture of it yet.


I've often thought I should sell a service, wherein I come by to people's new cars and do some minor stuff: a scratch here, a ding there, grind some pizza into the carpets, spill a little soda on the seat. I'd charge a nominal fee (plus travel expenses), and then...

...it'd be over, and the new-car owners would no longer have to be awake at night wondering when someone will hurt their baby.

There used to be an ad for some over-the-counter sleep remedy, in which a woman rolled over to find her husband's side of the bed empty. She looked around, and saw him sitting in a chair and staring out the window. "Come to bed, Ralph," she said, and he replied, "I can't, Marge. Someone might scratch our new car." "No one scratched our old car, Ralph," she countered.

Ralph turned and looked at Marge as though she were completely, hopelessly demented. "People don't scratch OLD cars, Marge." And he turned back to the window.


We spent a whole day fixing up our old Subaru to sell it last year - cleaning all the seats and carpets, washing the doors, everything. Then the next day we helped out some friends by babysitting their kids, and when we were taking them home, one of them puked chocolate milk all over the backseat.

Nobody's puked in the new car, though!


Congratulations! Enjoy it all, including the long walks from the faraway parking spaces!

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