I can't believe that I posted diligently for 29 days only to be thwarted on March 30th. I want a do over! It is obviously all Phil's fault. I'm having to much fun enteraining him and keeping out of the rain (and snow!) that I completely forgot to post yesterday. I woke up at 4:30 this morning and remembered, and was horrified. Then I heard someone calling out "Here kitty kitty kitty, here kitty kitty kitty" and Ithought I might be hearing a ghost. Such are one's thoughts at 4:30 in the morning.
Things I did yesteday instead of posting include:
Eating a German pancake at The Oak Table in Sequim
Watching the Davidson v. Kansas game
Walking on North Beach and spotting a pair of Harlequin Ducks:
Walking on the dock at Point Hudson, looking up
And looking down
I think we can agree to forget that little slip up yesterday and just say I did it, right?