On Friday as the sky was pink from the setting sun we watched an eagle fishing outside our office window. At first there was a swoop of wide wings low to the water and then a dozen or more sea gulls swarming around hoping to steal an easy meal. Nothing was easy for the eagle, though. It passed several times, and almost each time caught a fish in its talons, but then each time it dropped back into the water. The fish were big, much larger than I would have imagined in that part of the bay. What tactical complexities there must be in speeding low over the water and nabbing a swimming, wriggling fish from it. Then even if the prey is caught, the sea gulls will give chase, harrass peristently until you can outfly them. How far must the eagle go before it can find a quiet place to eat?
After five or so passes, the eagle gave up and flew away. The gulls dispersed. The sky turned black and it was time to go home.
ohhhhhhhhh I am so sad now for the eagle-- damn seagulls!
Posted by: Elizabeth | 03 December 2007 at 07:54 AM