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29 October 2007



I've just added it to my Netflix queue, thanks!


Oh, good. I always wonder if it would have appeal for those who aren't as crazy about Latin American culture as I am. If you at all like dance, forego the cheesiness of Dancing With the Stars and watch some of the real stuff. I forgot to mention another of my favorite scenes: when all the school kids are dancing. Dance is a part of their life from a very early age.


Yes, you'll go. I have no doubt. And I added it to my queue too.


It's on my to-see list now. Did you know that there's an active tango scene in Seattle? I've been trying to talk my sweetie into taking lessons.


I'm not surprised there's an active tango scene in Seattle considering how strong the salsa scene is. There are even tango dances here in PT!


Hey Nina! We dig that movie, I have the soundtrack and it's one of my top favs when I'm out on the road traveling. We'll go with you to Buenos Aires, Steve might even be working there in 2009, Spring I think. I adore the scene where it gets violent with all the tangled limbs of many people up against the wall.

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