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11 March 2007



No good sweetie! Me and the little woman are sending good thoughts of energy to break up that lil dude and get you back on your feet real soon.


Holy crap!

I know a guy who passed a kidney stone while backpacking in the Sierra Nevada wilderness. He tied himself to a tree until the deed was done.

And, yes, the good meds. I too was thinking the same thing when I was put on narcotics post surgery - oooo-la-la, shit is good! And the shit be bad because it's too good. Easy to get hooked, if one is vulnerable to addiction.

Anyway, I'm glad you're better but horrified that the laws of nature are such that if you don't have health insurance, you will pass a kidney stone/have an accident/require surgery. You would not have to worry about this in other civilized countries. This sucks.



I don't know how long it has been since you were working, but you have 90 days from termination of employement (either by your choice or theirs) to sign up for COBRA. And yes, you can sign up even after you have had a claim. You just need to weigh the cost of the COBRA against the cost of the ER visit. Contact your former employer HR dept for details. Good Luck


Sounds horrific. I am so glad it "passed" so to speak. Ouch!


If the COBEA doesn't work out, I think it would be worth approaching the hospital and seeing what negotation can be done given that you have no insurance. They might blow you off but even if they can knock a few hundred dollars off....well a few hundred dollars is a few hundred dollars.


Oh DO you have a picture of the stone? I'd love to see it! :)

I'm sorry for the stone's existence in the first place- but very happy that if you had to undergo a medical thing, it was something minor.


i agree with xath about checking with the hospital regarding negotiations on your bill. a few years back, when i didn't have insurance, the hospital had a fund for people like me. you had to meet certain income requirements, but if you did, the bill was taken care of.

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