I am feeling so grateful right now. And a little bit not like myself. It has been an intense couple of days. Emotions ran high at Woolf Camp. I felt drained and hollowed out, but with the knowledge that I would be filled up again, and would be stronger for it.
Yesterday I met someone in person that I have been very fond of for a long time. It is someone I would like to spend long hours with, talking and walking, but with whom I instead shared a quick lunch and coffee with other friends. It didn't seem quite real. I had imagined him much bigger than he turned out to be standing in front of me. That I could look directly into his eyes (and not up at them) made me very happy. I don't know why he impacts me so. Something about him is like a blow to the gut. I am bent over and gasping.
The ocean is talking to me. First a murmur, then a crash. Pay attention, pay attention. Each wave is new. You can't hold onto one. We drove through valleys with brown crumpled hills in the distance on either side. Fields were lined with porta-potties for the workers, and signs explaining what was growing there. Iceberg lettuce. Asparagus. The vineyards were on hills, in among the golden grass and the scrubby trees.
Speeding along the highway we talked about men we have loved. I felt far away from all of them. Finally we drove up into the hills--a crossing. And there it was, the Pacific, welcoming us, telling us her secrets in a language I'm not sure I understand.
Hello Nina!!: Sorry, mi English is horrible.
I'm enchanted with your photographs, and your words are very beautiful too. I can't express mi feelings very well in this language , but I wanted tell that in any form. By, well done.
Posted by: paz | 08 March 2007 at 10:24 AM